Prior to the upcoming Transformers CybertronCon event, the Official Transformers Singapore Facebook Page has revealed that the...
With CybertronCon around the corner, Kre-O Autobots Optimus Prime and Bumblebee mascots have wandered around different regions...
DOTM Optimus Prime is still getting treatment with the most current release to be revealed as the...
After Universal Studios Singapore, it’s Hollywood’s turn to have their own Transformers Ride. It was revealed in...
A minor glitch has grounded the normal operations of The Ride at Universal Studios Singapore, a day...
The icon synonymous with Transformers The Ride in Universal Studios Singapore is no stranger to everyone is...
Gurmit Singh famously known as ‘Phua Chu Kang’ has the privilege to review Transformers The Ride first...
Transformers Encore 20 – Devastator (set) has surfaced in the Facebook galleries of Planet Iacon – Singapore...
Dejiki has updated more information about Transformers: The Ride that is launching soon, just around the corner....