TransMY planned a movie gathering at MBO, Atria Mall to watch "Transformers Rise of The Beasts". 50...
transformers movie
The Transformers universe is expanding once again, with yet another feature-length project in the pipeline – and...
Michael Bay holds a very unique position in Hollywood as one of the most famous and recognizable...
Compared to some of Michael Bay’s lackluster sequels, Transformers: Bumblebee was a masterpiece for the franchise. But...
Remember the bad-ass Barricade in the 2007 Transformers movie? The alternate mode of him – the 2007...
Rejoice people! Transformers Movie Trilogy Optimus Prime with Mechtech Armory trailer has been listed and sighted in...
Here is a good read by Ryan of den of Geek prior to Michael Bay’s decision to...
Transformers: Dark of the Moon has been earning a massive $1.124 billion box office worldwide making the...
With plethora of upcoming excitement especially for Transformers new toylines in 2012, Hasbro has been seen as...
Seems like Hasbro is out of ideas but to keep on recycling Optimus Prime moulds over and...