The Transformers franchise has had numerous classic cartoons, most notably the original, as well as its sequel, Beast Wars. However, one of the...
Transformers Prime
Got this from Hasbro Malaysia via our mailbox. Hasbro Malaysia is currently running a promo called “Transformers...
While Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners have Transformers: Fall of Cybertron to look forward to later...
Shout! Factory and Hasbro Inc. have announced that they will bring Transformers Prime – One Shall Stand to...
Repaints is totally inseparable as more revelation of new characters with redeco figures have surfaced via TFW2005...
Wheeljack and blade fans will love this as Dr.Wu a third party Transformers famous for weapon and...
Transformers Prime deluxe class toys galore continues with some surfacing photos thanks to some ebay seller. Here...
More Cyberverse have been sighted and one in particular is the one sighted via Hobbybase where more...
Bumblebee Battle Suit must be one of the interesting revelations this month. Our chinese Transfans counterpart have...
Japanese animation soundtracks has always been known with their catchy tune, and for Transformers Prime, Big Bang...