This obscure Autobot Stepper, Ricochet as he was named on the state’s side will be a ‘side dish’ for Generations/United fans to ogle on.
Stepper is a redeco and retool of United/Generations Jazz with some gold bling and shiny chassis. He will be out as a mail-away campaign exclusive figure to the creators of the Generations books, Million Publishing.
The promotional material of Stepper has appeared in Million Publishing’s official site with new images of him with his Targetmaster sidekick – Nightstick.
The website showcases the figure up close with all his glory in his packaging, outside the packaging in robot and alternate modes as well as a close up of his sidekick – Nightstick.
This exclusive figure will be released as part of Transformers Generations 2011 Volume 1 that is rumoured to start shipping by end of this month.
This guy costs around 4700 yen per set and two for 8800 yen.
![United Stepper & Nightstick - in packaging](https://transmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/rl_utdstepper2.jpg)
![United Stepper & Nightstick - in alternate mode with nightstick](https://transmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/rl_utdstepper3.jpg)
![United Stepper alternate mode](https://transmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/rl_utdstepper5.jpg)
![Targetmaster Nighstick close up](https://transmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/rl_utdstepper4.jpg)
![United Stepper full robot mode](https://transmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/rl_utdstepper6.jpg)