Starting from an ebay sightings then followed by some revelations in Facebook, all by Hongkong transfans, it is a clear indication that Generations Sky Shadow is on it’s way to our shores.
As usual, our counterparts in Hong Kong will have the privilege to get their hands on the new Transformers figures earlier than collectors at other part of the world.
Still, thanks to these fans, that we get to enjoy the first sightings on how the packaging and the toy is going to look like.
For starters we reveal the bio of Sky Shadow:
Don’t mess with SKY SHADOW – he’s one of the most foul, dark-hearted DECEPTICONS in the galaxy. He takes no prisoners and always finds his targets. Even the evil MEGATRON shudders when he hears the whine of jet engines in the distance, for it may be Sky Shadow coming for him!
Check out the showcases of Sky Shadow by the guys from HK-TF.com and Transformers Galaxy.