One of the most controversial character naming in Transformers Dark of The Moon must be the red ferrari. In one of the many leaks concerning the Transformers Dark of the Moon film, it was revealed that the character sporting the Ferrari 458 Italia as the alternate mode, would be named Mirage, however; this may not actually be the case.
Nelson posted the following comment on on ShootForTheEdit.com when asked about who the red robot in Transformers: Dark of the Moon was following on from a post by him that it was not Mirage. He claimed the character will be “named after a famous Italian” and “speaks with an Italian accent.”

Additional speculation included Enzo, but Nelson states that “it’s changed since Enzo.” So which one is right? Nobody (outside of the film’s production) knows for sure the name of the Ferrari character, but this reminds us of Transformers.
In Transformers there was a little character named Devastator with the alternate mode of a tank. In the children’s books besides Sentinel, the only other red Autobot is the Ferrari which we all know is Mirage. Now if you are talking about another bot that we dont know about and trying to hint at it, the first famous Italian name that comes to mind is “COSIMO” as in Cosmos lol” following up with the response “Don’t act dumb. You know I’m talking about the red Ferrari.“
This mean that Paramount must have had to hired a new voice actor to record all of Mirage’s lines and also have re-recorded any dialogue that names the character, though going by the first two movies this is also feasible. It must have happened fairly recently as not only does the novelisation of the film refers to the character as Mirage but so does the toys and the prequel video game by Activision in which he speaks with an Arabian-based accent. All of the other characters within the video game are voiced by the same voice actors as the Dark of the Moon movie.
“The point is the Ferrari in the film can’t be named after any Hasbro TF name, period. This is because the movie is not a Hasbro property per se and also the terms of use stated that Ferrari was going to have approval of name, voice, etc.