Last month were were told that there was a possibility of Constructicons joining the Decepticon ranks in “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” and today, via TFW2005, we have information on the potential robot modes of the seven robots that will combine to form Devastator.
It was previously reported that the robot would be made up a mix of colors, including green, red, and yellow. Whether or not these are true, or the rumor that Devastator and the Constructicons will be in the movie is true, well, we just don’t know yet.
There are no set images to back this up, but the source did take the time to locate a google image of each construction vehicle. They would make one very, very large combined bot.
The combined bot plus the vehicle model will be an interesting thing that we will look forward for when the toy was being released. The following are the vehicle modes of the seven Transformers, as well as the rumored colors:

Hydraulic mining excavator, O&K/Terex RH400, colored in red

Wheel loader, Caterpillar 992G, colored in yellow