Gold Chrome Rodimus Convoy
Figure King Magazine Updates – some close up shots of the soon to be release BT-08 Meister feat. RX-08, the shoulder launcher from BT-07 Smokescreen GT can also be attached to Meister to look like the G1 counterpart.
RM-15 Starsaber and RM-16 Victory Leo will be release in late November.
Another soon to be release item, Superlink SC-26 Superion, comes with a set of 5 jets as reported before. We are taking orders at US$50, expected to be out next week.
Not too far behind will be SD-21 Bruticus, to be release in mid Oct. Accepting preorders on this item for also US$50. Both Autobot and Decepticon combiners can “Scramble Combine” where limbs can be interchanged and combine with Afterburner or Onslaught.
Stores lucky draws are back!! A few selected stores will be holding a lucky draw for the Gold chrome Rodimus Convoy, buy some selected items from Superlink, Binaltech or Robotmasters in the designated stores during the campaign period will entitle to a draw. Other draw prizes include TF stickers and USA edition (Energon) toys.
Last but definitely an exciting news, next issue of Figure King will come with a special edition KT Figure collection Transformers Bust of Optimus Prime. That is correct, not a mail in order, not a lucky draw, it comes with the copy of next month’s Figure King!! As to the type of the special edition Optimus Prime bust, this picture offers a hint. Next issue of Figure King will also be a Transformers special. We are accepting orders or subscription for this title, US$12.
The pics:

Source: fantofan.jp