Hear ye hear ye! Revenge is coming and the hype is on! Malaysian movie and cinemas is soon to be seized by the Cybertronian maniacal craze. Premiere tickets has been selling hot, still hot now even it was 3 months away since we last announced it. For those who still try to find premiere tickets here in TransMY, we are afraid to announce to you that you are TOO LATE.
Right, I bet all of you have made your payments (or in the process of doing so) to Mike ‘Monkticon’ Wong. Please pay attention on what we are going to announce here. Your failure in paying close attention to this is at your own fault, not ours. So here are the details;
Venue: Cathay Cineplexes, Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara.
Date: 23rd June 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: 9.30pm sharp (please arrive early for security check & queues)
Seats: 120 (TransMYians + associates only)
Hall: No.8
- Ticket can be collected on the 18th June 2009 ONWARDS @ Toyworkers, or
- Leave your name in the thread here, to be reserved by Mike. The ticket will be distributed on the premiere nite.
- For those who haven’t paid (special circumstances), please pay Mike on the premiere night itself before entering the theatre.
- No cameras
- No mobilephones
- No electronic gadget with recording capabilities – audio and visual
- No bags