Transformers, with their successive generations and frequent toy-driven upgrades, have often tackled the concept of “evolution” from an oblique angle.
The Seekers are one of my favorite Darwinist examples, because unlike most Transformers they are virtually identical in form and it’s the question of the most adaptable that survive – Starscream schemes, Thundercracker cows, etc. (Don’t look at this example too hard, or it’s going to fall apart).
This is really beside the point, but I wanted a fanciful introduction to this. This week, Teletraan-1: The Transformers Wiki made its move to the new location, because Wikia’s changing business model has made it inhospitable for all of its residents – a shame I hadn’t gotten to take this on with the arid personality that I met at WW Chicago, at the ill-conceived “Wiki Panel.” What makes this interesting to people beyond the general niche, however, is what happened to the original, derelict site almost immediately.
So the old site’s not even cool, the footprints still in the dirt, and this happens? I mean, we can have the evolution argument on this site if you want, it seems to be politically relevant at the moment, but honestly… someone was just waiting to make edits on a niche cartoon site to better attack the “evil” of evolutionary theory? We just had to have the link to the site with Hitler pictures on the evolution page, because otherwise all of these kids reading about Grimlock and Bumblebee would… um… right.
Just… what? How is this the appropriate place – or better, how is this a useful place to have this discussion?
Source: Patchwork Earth