For the second year in a row, Shia LaBeouf has topped a list of actors making the most profit per film. It’s estimated that for every dollar invested on the Transformers star, $81 (£53) is made back by Hollywood studios.
In the list by US magazine Forbes, women make up five of the top 10 compared to none last year. Anne Hathaway is at number two.
Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe is third with Robert Downey Jr. and Cate Blanchett fourth and fifth.
Shia LaBeouf’s successful films have included Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (£543m worldwide box office) and the fourth Indiana Jones film (£511 million).
Forbes looked at the top 36 earners in Hollywood. Each had to have starred in at least three films in five years that opened in more than 500 cinemas.
Movies that opened after 1 June 2010 weren’t counted, nor were animated films.
Top 10 list:
- Shia LaBeouf
- Anne Hathaway
- Daniel Radcliffe
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Cate Blanchett
- Meryl Streep
- Jennifer Aniston
- Johnny Depp
- Nicolas Cage
- Sarah Jessica Parker