For those who is fans for upgrade kits especially Optimus Prime, this is one great custom from Make Toys that you cannot miss. This kit provides everything you need to upgrade your G2 Deluxe Reveal The Shield Optimus Prime to a heavy duty bad ass robot! This kit includes a sword, lights up, extra face, a helmet, ball joint and a screw, along with replacement instructions.

One thing that really caught my attention was the ‘cleanliness’ of the packaging and the sheer size of the itself. On it, a really great art of the add on both in robot mode and Battle Tanker Mode.

For the 1st issue, the release was included with an extra sword to be equip by Generation Drift (and other with standard peg).

Remind me of Fansproject Crossfire set (Superion Add-on) as the piecec aren’t combined together (City Commander, Protector, etc)
Robot Mode

Combine mode. For the robot mode, the add on involves forearms, fists, crotch plate, new head and feet.

Bear in mind that some assembly need to be done beforehand, a new head and crotch. This is not unheard of but not to frequent either in terms of 3rd Party releases as they don’t usually tempered with the original figure.

On the articulation side, it doesn’t in any way limit further the articulation the main body had. For the add on, it consist of wrist swivel and ankle joints.

For those who wonders about the wire, equipped with the sword is LEDs (with control switch). However, even in the dark, the light wasn’t able to shine all the way through the tip of the sword.

Although in general the wire doens’t really hinders his articulation, still a bit disrupting
And the last one would be another sword. However, the set on supplied with one sword hilt which means it’s either using this or the other (but not both)
Alternate Mode

Battle Tanker Mode
Also known as the missile platform mode. First, lets look at the remnant of the add on aside from the one used with figure.

Gorgeous. This is consider another step forward from Fansproject City Commander (left over become big, unpractical gun), Fansproject Protector (battle station, G1 Homage) to this.

No doubt a homage of G2 Prime both in Robot Mode and Alt Mode.
To be fair, the main robot itself was a bit limited in articulations (for both hands). This adds up some more on terms of the range (hands, wrists) and point of articulation (feet, ankles).
A great concept. However, in the end, the add on that really involves with the main Robot Mode are way to little.
Hands up for the Battle tanker/Missiles Platform mode. A genuine idea that adds value to the kit.
Really clean. Although, big portion of it consist of colored plastic rather than paint.
Fun Factor
Again, the Battle tankor mode really play a huge role in this set. The main robot itself (with the add on) is kinda underwhelming a bit. It doesn’t improve much in term of size, still shorter than average Voyager classes.
Simple yet a bit of practice needed for the tanker.
Personally, a good addition but not a must, sorry.
If you need good looks and heavy armament with a boost of some sentimental G2 value, this is a go! Other than that, just save your pennies for something else.
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Love battle tanker mode, it looks unstoppable.
Love battle tanker mode, it looks unstoppable.