The final piece of the puzzle, ending the 7 months quest of Hercules Project, and this review is for Mad Blender aka ‘not-Mixmaster’, a cement mixer in the Constructicon group.

Unlike Neckbreaker, he only comes with his accessories (the barrel).
Robot Mode

Here he is, more or less retaining the G1 design aside from the panels on the shoulders. This isn’t the proposed configuration of him but we’ll get to that shortly.

Closed up on the face, has that cool looks as Dr Crank.

Poss-ability wise, he has the standard articulations of his teammates.

Double jointed on the leg.

One thing that bothers me was that, the othes were design for both homage and practicality hence Exgraver retaining his hos, Dr Crank his crane for G1-sake but detachable if collectors found them tiresome etc. So, was hoping for the cement mixer to be able to attach on his back in Robot Mode aside from becoming weapons.
Alternate Mode

Been looking for reference pic of his alt mode on the net, still couln’t find one thats plausible.

A bit dull if you ask me. Something could’ve been done with the cab.

Nice update on the design. But missing a bit by not making the barrel attachable in Robot Mode.
Wide range of articulations for more dynamic poses.
The alt mode is a bit underwhelming but compensated with a slick robot mode.

First of all, the barrel (cement mixer) breaks into 8 pieces (blaster) and a gun.

However, (for me) only half of em can be attach without looking redundant while the other 4 need to be stash somewhere. Still, that depends on the owners creativity themselves.

Like Stuctor, the existence of the saddle joint are for the sake of the combine mode.

Too simple on the cab.
Fun Factor
Last piece of the puzzle.
Straight forward transformation.
Better QC, seems like TFC are getting better and better.
Completes the puzzle..must have at all costs.
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