Dr. Crank (not-Hook) is the fourth of the six figures that combine together to form the mighty no-Devastator Hercules. Here goes our review.
Front view of the packaging..pretty standard of the Hercules seriesNotice that he's the only one out of the 4 that potrayed a smiling face on the box artBack view of the packagingOut of the box with fish bowl and inserts
Robot Mode
A nice interpretation of G1's HookOne thing to be noted is that the crane was long in which in a standing still pose, it touches the ground.His face however, is kind of weird where if look from certain angle, is a nice design but from other, not so much. The latter can be seen from pics belowPossablity wise, it possses most in general the same articulation points as the other membersAlternate weaponry!
Alternate Mode
A new take on the fig with the alt mode inspired by (not the exact model though)rather than his not-former selfHe does seems to possesed more detailing that the other members so farWorking crane (Yes!, WORKING CRANE)One thing bout the TFC releases of Team Hercules, the live gimmick on the Alt Mode is kinda refreshing (working hydraulic, etc)And this is the best one yet!
Fresh re-imagination of the his G1 counterpart.
Wide range of articulations however the he crane that hooked up on the back does impose some difficulty.
Workable and briliant design considering the fact that the head for Hercules integrated into the fig itself
Cool gimmick on the crane and the gestalt’s head.
Combining mode:
The head is incorporated in the fig itself, one of the plusses of this releaseIt does seems like the crane hinder his articulation. The crane was design as it is purely as a homage to the 80s iteration which that is why TFC made the crane detachableHead on a ball joint. It shows on the recent newst that he's receive a Visor alsoSize comparison
Most detailing compared to the 3 previous releases.
Fun Factor
With him being release, Hercules started to take form.
Straight-to-point transformation.
Better QC, seems like TFC are getting better and better.
A must have and he redeemed what Hasbro have left in his G1 form.