The most highly anticipated movie of all time is hitting the cinemas in Summer 2007. Transformers, the reincarnation of its animated cousin was reborn as a sci-fi action flick with endless metal munching, techno esoterical centric with action-packed choreography. Having said that, the merchandise of this movie was made an autonomous toyline of its own – the Transformers Movie line.
With different sizes of class, action figures was fabricated in a manner where the traits and the features are resembling close with their real-life counter part in the movie. Enough of uttering, here are the most complete list for the Movie’s merchandise.
- Bumblebee
- Barricade
- Jazz
- Ratchet
- Optimus Prime
- Megatron
- Starscream
- Blackout
- Cliffjumper vs Recon Barricade
- Jazz vs Bonecrusher
- Rescue Ratchet vs Brawl
- Ironhide vs Desert Blackout
- Nightwatch Optimus Prime vs Stealth Starscream
- Battle Jazz vs Ice Megatron
- Bumblebee vs Scorponok
Deluxe Assortment (087-06-0951) and (6-53569-23294-0 8)
- Arcee (6-53569-11112-2)
- Jazz (6-53569-11111-5) or (6-53569-23763-1)
- Barricade w/ Decepticon Frenzy (6-53569-09882-9) or (6-53569-24886-6)
- Bonecrusher (6-53569-11113-9)
- Bumblebee (’08 Camaro) (6-53569-23760-0)
- Bumblebee (’74 Camaro) (6-53569-11109-2)
- Brawl (6-53569-11117-7)
- Cliffjumper (’08 Bumblebee redeco)
- Dreadwing (6-53569-23761-7)
- Dropkick (6-53569-24885-9)
- Final Battle Jazz (087-06-0682)
- Landmine (S7 dune buggy)
- Longarm (6-53569-23762-4)
- Optimus Prime Protoform (6-53569-11108-5) or (6-53569-24048-8)
- Payload (6-53569-23764-8)
- Protoform Deluxe Figures With Poster (6-53569-24047-1 9)
- Recon Barricade (Barricade Redeco)
- Scorponok (6-53569-11110-8)
- Starscream Protoform (6-53569-11114-6) or (6-53569-24049-5)
- Stockade (S7 SUV)
- Swindle (6-53569-11115-3)
- Wreckage (6-53569-20896-9)
Action Figures (Leader)
Leader Assortment (087-06-1041) and (6-53569-23296-4 2)
- Brawl (6-53569-23951-2)
- Desert Attack Brawl
- Megatron (6-53569-11099-6)
- Night Watch Optimus Prime
- Optimus Prime (6-53569-11101-6)
Action Figures (Scout)
Off Screen Scout (087-06-1917)
Scout Assortment (6-53569-24134-8 12)
- Arcee (6-53569-24137-9)
- Armorhide (6-53569-25309-9)
- Clocker (6-53569-25050-0)
- Hardtop (6-53569-24135-5)
- Signal Flare (6-53569-24214-7)
- Skyblast (1 6-53569-25049-4)
- Skyblast 2 (6-53569-25307-5)
- Strongarm (1 6-53569-25048-7)
- Strongarm 2 (6-53569-25308-2)
- Voyager Assortment (087-06-1021) and (6-53569-23295-7 4)
- Autobot Ratchet (6-53569-11105-4)
- Autobot Rescue Ratchet (6-53569-24888-0)
- Blackout w/ Scorponok (6-53569-11104-7)
- Ironhide (6-53569-11106-1)
- Megatron (6-53569-23766-2)
- Optimus Prime (6-53569-23765-5)
- Starscream (6-53569-11107-8)
- Starscream (G1 deco)
- Thundercracker (6-53569-23767-9)
- Titanium Assortment (087-06-1780)
- Jazz
- Ratchet
- Blackout
- Bumblebee
- Brawl
- Ironhide
- Megatron
- Optimus Prime
(Only list Movie Attacktix’es)
- Battle Masters Set including Megatron and Scorponok
- Tournament Set including Bonecrusher, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Optimus Prime
Cyber Slammer
- Cyber Robot Assortment