TransMY on RedFM with DJ ? and Paul (Alpha3Convoy). Kudos to Paul, and the DJ of course for pimpin’ us! Paul quoted; “I had an interesting experience last night when I called up Red FM.
While trying out for a contest, I found out that one of the DJ’s was an avid TF fan. I called up the DJ later, introduced myself and we had a chat about TF in general.
I told him about TransMY and he was pleasantly surprised that such a club existed in Malaysia. JD (the DJ) then decided that this should be shared with the listeners and called me back twice. He mentioned that clubs like ours need some publicity and we had a nice polite chat about TF and the upcoming movie.
I manage to record the conversation (actually my wife did ..on her Sony Ericsson 510i). JD if you’re reading this, thanks a million and hey…the first recording (the one you lost! ) was way much better! JD also promised to periodically call me up in the days leading up to the movie and keep in touch. So expect more impromptu interviews. Meanwhile, the link to download the mp3 of the conversation is below, enjoy…. ”
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_5ZXgc6Eg0 [/youtube]
Source: Paul (Alpha3Convoy)
Thread: TransMY on RedFM