The movies-loving world was stunned a few months when “Transformers” star Megan Fox was suddenly replaced by...
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
We have Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Michael Bay and plenty of more good stuff with Transformers 3...
More looks into behind the scenes of “Transformers 3” production have been provided by Tyrese Gibson who...
It was raining men in downtown Chicago Saturday morning. Base jumpers took off from Trump Tower around...
This news is rather shocking with Bumblebee appeared to be a beat-up Datsun as the Transformers 3...
Filming began on the third instalment of the franchise last month as Shia Labeouf returned to the...
Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley were together on the set of Tranformers 3 in LA on Thursday....
AICN was sent a photo from the Chicago set of the third “Transformers” movie, showing a shot...
“Transformers” actress Megan Fox said “yes” to ex-fiance Brian Austin Green’s marriage proposal, just four months after...
Shia LaBeouf has confessed he misses working with Megan Fox on Transformers but is looking forward to...