Two of the creators are writers and producers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, who you know from...
Michael Bay
A mysterious image of a poster and easel released online depicts what may be our first look...
Josh Duhamel has bragged that the third “Transformers” movie will be bigger than its two predecessors. Entertainment...
Entertainment Tonight is apparently dedicating a chunk of air time to Michael Bay’s latest opus Transformers: Dark...
It already speculated that Michael Bay will be leaving the Transformers series after the next installment, and...
Transformers 3 now has its official title and that title is: Transformers: The Dark of the Moon....
Automotive manufacturers love the idea of placing their products in Hollywood films simply because there is no...
Michael Bay will add the father (or predecessor) of Optimus Prime in the Transformers 3 movie: Sentinel...
Paramount just weighed in with me to say that the injured extra was not involved in the...
It seems like the Twins – Skids and Mudflap are here to stay. Michael Bay misinformation campaign...