We keep looking for great ideas for Graham Hill’s LifeEdited project, for different ways to live and work in small spaces. Andy’s oven lounge might be the perfect thing; Graham doesn’t cook a lot, so why take up so much space with a stove, when he could have a comfy chair as well.
Where to begin… This is my student designed project from the University of Cincinnati’s DAAP design school. It was constructed as an art piece to illustrate an elegant example of the principle of reuse.
Fully functional as a piece of seating, this oven lounge has the capability to transform back and forth from lounge to oven resemblance.
Cozy wood interior and custom made cinnamon swirl cushions make for a nice place to sit and read with ample counter-top to place books, cup of tea,etc
The transform: Bottom drawer slides out to support oven door Oven door opens to expose seat Stove-top converts into ottoman to complete lounge Side drawer opens to expose ottoman cushion and ottoman legs *Even comes with a functional battery powered clock to power original clock interface!
Compared to our usual Italian transformers, it’s cheap at $ 250, but you have to pick it up in Cincinnati. More at Etsy, via Recyclart.