Transformers man shocked American Idol audition today as the internet’s newest hero is born! Meet Drew Beaumier, a 24-year-old bartender from California who came dressed to his American Idol audition as a working Transformer robot! Video here.
Dude was half-man, half-robot and all pitchy, so he’s clearly not rolling his adorable little Power Wheels arms to Hollywood. But lets take a second and just point out eight awesome things that make this clip pretty much the best thing we’re ever seen on Idol.
He was clever enough to use his Idol contestant number as the car’s license plate. He must have Optimused right in his Prime when he came up with that.
He drove right up to Jennifer Lopez all like, “Get out of my dreams, and into my me.” He had a steering wheel on his chest!
We love that American Idol is so cynical now that it’s basically a parade of freaks followed by one person who can sing maybe. The producers should seriously just start a separate show for these weirdos—American Meme maybe? Anyway, Randy said it best: “What is this show going on about, man?”
Steven Tyler all confused about not being the funniest person in the room for five minutes. Ever seen a car sadly slink off? Yeah, it’s awesome.
Despite having a pretty sweet costume (it transforms and rolls, and apparently even replicates the sound effects!), Drew makes some pretty obvious missteps in his audition. For one thing, maybe — and I’m just thinking out loud here — maybe your audition for American Idol is not the time to advance your theory that by 2020, we’ll all be getting around in car suits.
Then again, you never know if you’ll have another opportunity to share that insight with noted futurist Randy Jackson, so it’s understandable. The biggest blunder, though, is definitely in choice of music. Yeah, yeah, “Get your motor runnin'” isn’t a bad way to start when you’re dressed as a singing Ford Mustang, but let’s be real for a second.
How could you dress as a Transformer and go on American Idol without singing “The Touch?”
Idol producers using The Cars for his walk-off music. (You didn’t think we’d notice?). Even when he’s a car, Drew’s got more personality than Kristy Lee Cook. Happy 15th minute, dawg!