TransMY derives its name from “Trans” (trns) short for “Transformers,” and “MY,” representing Malaysia (as in the domain address). Combined, TransMY signifies the Transformers fandom that has spread beyond its original home in the US and Japan to Malaysia.
Founded on June 19, 2003, in Plymouth, UK, TransMY focuses on the Malaysian Transformers scene, uniting fans and collectors. Also known as the Malaysian Transformers Fandom Group at the beginning, its mission is to gather and connect all Malaysian Transformers enthusiasts, providing a platform for information exchange, shared experiences, and enjoyment of the Transformers franchise.

Before TransMY’s inception, Malaysian Transformers fans were dispersed across various international and local hobby forums. Recognizing the need for a dedicated community, we started as a small Yahoo-based group. Over time, we developed a dedicated website and forum.
In 2016, we officially registered the club as a legal entity under Malaysian law to participate in major events and exhibitions. Our collections have been showcased as far as Sabah and Singapore.
Today, TransMY includes long-time fans, rekindled enthusiasts, and new members, making it one of Malaysia’s largest Transformers communities. We take pride in our vibrant existence and invite all members to use this portal as their Transformers home. Let’s keep this fandom alive and thriving!
‘”Till All Are One”
“Sehingga Semuanya Adalah Satu.”