Most of you noticed that there’s an error in viewing transmy in IE, especially IE7 ever since the new facelift took place on 1st June. After weeks of fault finding, admin have discovered that IE7 is NOT compliant with the Javascript package called ‘Mootools’ used in this template (RT Sporticus).
For your information, the ‘Mootols’ script is embedded in the header file of the template therefore the problem occurs as soon as IE loads the file header and immediately you will receive an error calling you to abort the site. As the result of that I have disabled Mootools in favour for members who uses IE.
I believe majority are satisfied viewing with Firefox, but I hope with that plan of scrapping off Mootools, all members will get benefit of viewing TransMY in their own favourite web browsers.
On top of that, admin wish to apologise if this technical difficulty does cause inconveniences in your comfort of browsing the site for more than 2 weeks now.
If any prob persist in IE or FF now, please highlight them via comments below OR discuss them over the thread.