TransMY once again will be going on air again in your local telly. Ironically strange but true, TransMY will be featured in TV3’s Nona, a women’s talk show. Among TransMYians that will be guests in the show are Monkticon, Sparty & Ryukaze.
Not to worry as they won’t be cross-dressing in some kebaya costumes with girly maneuvers! Their appearance will be in a small slot talking and discussing about ‘Men & Hobbies’, and that is what everything seemed to make sense!
You can catch them tomorrow at 2pm, TV3 or you might want to catch them online in Nona’s online webisodes here. However, the segment was already pre-recorded at the trio’ house couple of days ago.
Do expect tons of toy displays, nerds and hot chicks. From the insider’s information I heard, Optimus Prime will appear pimping TransMY on-air!
Please discuss in our existing thread of the show here and after all the wait, here goes the video uploaded exclusively in Youtube;
Credit: TV3