TransMY was featured again in RedFM 104.9 this week, and this is our second pimpin’ live on air after the first one Alpha2Convoy did last week.
Monkticon was featured this time on the second one, and he was interviewed by JD, the same presenter that interviewed Alpha3convoy last week. At around 9pm Thursday night, Monkticon was contacted by JD to go live on air.
The talk lasted nearly 10 minutes where most of the conversation centres more about the upcoming movie with a miscellany of info here and there about TransMY, Transformers fandom and Monkticon’s Transformers favourites. TransMY would like to say thanks again to JD for pimpin TransMY for the second time!
Note: To listen to the interview, click on the audio file embedded in Trans-Cast, the section on your right.
Source : Thanks to Alpha3Convoy (& wife) for the recording”