TransMY was invited to exhibit what else if not Transformers in one of the world’s most prestigious cyber gaming event – Malaysia World Cyber Games (WCG) that will take place on the 7th-9th October in Venue: PIKOM ICT Mall, CapSquare, Kuala Lumpur.
For those who is not familiar what World Cyber Games is, do check this details out:
The World Cyber Games is the world’s first “Cyber Games Festival”, designed to build a healthy cyber culture. The World Cyber Games is the only single e-sports event organizing competition from across all six continents (Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania), and is also the largest gaming festival celebrated once a year. It unites gamers from all over the world to allow athletes to enjoy and respect the gaming environment.
Meaning of World Cyber Games:
- A global tournament in which sport is conducted within the medium of cyberspace, also known as e-sports
- A rapidly growing international olympics in which nearly one million players compete against one another for the title of world champion in separate events
- A gaming industry conference drawing industry leaders and technology experts as speakers and attendees to share ideas about the present and future of e-sports and their cultural relevance to society
- A worldwide youth festival inaugurated in 2000 and held annually
- The largest cyber-gaming event serving what is becoming the largest sports market in the world
Our team will man one of the booths there and we will promote the franchise all out featuring 3 display cabinets with 2 acrylics displays specially allocated for our exclusive Transformers customs and of course something related to the event, a War For Cybertron extravaganza – a specially dedicated display to the toys and games of War For Cybertron.

TransMY was honoured to be one of the invited guests of PIKOM and Toy Picasso and hopefully our presence will get more fans into Transformers and Transformers gaming in particular.
If you are a TransMY member and wish to exhibit your stuff and be part of our team, here are the requirements:
- Contribute any Transformers toys from any toylines including Custom Transformers. However, no KO and third parties allowed
- To be eligible for the freebies, you must be part of the exhibiting or duty crew for at least 2 days FULL.
- Perks for TransMY members on duty includes free parking, free t-shirt, food voucher and some undisclosed PIKOM IT peripheral goodies.
- More details of the event, freebies and joining the team, please go to World Cyber Games 2011 thread in our forum.
We will commence our setup on the 6th October 2011. See you there.