The 1st gathering is over yesterday with estimated 27 attendance (including spouses of members). For a debut gathering, it can be considered a reasonable success and admin would like to extend his thanks to all the members who had turn up at the gathering.
The Wreckers aka the OCM’s (you know who you are) for making this possible and the support from the Imperial Guardians (Sean – hospitalized but still high in spirits.
Without you guys none of this will ever happened, also to silent members who are hardcore transfans who doesn’t participate much virtually but still whole heartedly supported us whenever TransMY make a roll call, and yes..they responded this time with a tremendous turn out in style (2 Maxes…no kidding!).
To the guys who wanted to come but can’t make it because of personal reasons, fret not there will be more gatherings in the future to come. Special thanks to the sponsors for the lucky draw (jon, sean etc) and our affiliate Studio 78 and not forgetting the spouses of the members who had made this 1st gathering more memorable.
Do share your thoughts, comments – good and bad and musings here. It might help and guide us to plan, organise and run the next gathering better.
Galleries has been uploaded here.
cryotec (admin)