Transformers allow them to make as many fans as friends, but also because the popularity of Transformers that they gain with awe, because adhering to support the original version of Transformers intertwine with the passion of modding and kitbashing as another passion could lead to a war of words among Transformers fans.
Today, the two fans are Hakim’s good friend. They originally belong in the company, but do not know each other, but because of fascination of Transformers, they became like-minded friends. How in the end they want their Transformers?
Modified paint master
Symon had the opportunity to see Hakim’s collection where Optimus Prime can be turned into an red four-wheel-drive truck model. A few encounters has instantly rekindled Symon back to the Transformers, not only his collection of Transformers grew gradually model slowly toward the a bigger fanbase direction, but also became engaged in the circle of kitbashing expert!
“I like Transformers model because of its model is very lively and can be turned into an robot of its kind, from time to time when the mystery of the deformation is unspeakable. At the same time, the physical model Transformers license was given access to for example, by a Subaru sports car into the robot, Subaru car is approved by their own motor company, therefore, this model is more complex and valuable for collection. “
In addition, Symon Yong like to repaint the model, so that the original model more accurate. “I like every part of the modeling and re-paint, so that it became more lively and eye-catching. In his view of this, many people tend to be fascinated with repaints of the model, have asked me how to paint, there are those who even showed interest to buy. “
An Operation to Help Robot
In addition, the painting of the models will help the Symon Yong’s robot “surgery” because he is convinced that the model can be perfected! “For example, the newest original Optimus Prime has a pair hands that can not be changed. However, under the inspiration for the Gundam model, he modded Optimus Prime’s hand, so that the hands of Optimus Prime becomes more flexible, while at the same time allowing it to show ‘peace’ gestures too!”
This modification is of Optimus Prime story above. When this model was released, Symon has been out as early as 7:00am in the morning queing up at the toy shop outside where the successful purchaser of the first has more access in getting discount! “The feeling of getting the first purchase is indescribable.”
While some people insist on the original version, there are some that will always be in argument with Symon. In any case, he firmly believes that the modified model will certainly be able to become cooler than the original.
Symon is selective in buying his stuff where he only make purchases of the most special and most valuable item. “Every year, more than 300 items coming to market, and therefore it is not possible to purchase all of the model, so I will only buy the best of all. Therefore, is not easy to resale even there were demands from serious buyers.
He indicated that the collection is a kind of hobby, therefore not in anyway by oneself will be heavily in debt because of the hobby. “If the hobby became a burden, we were unable to enjoy the pleasure that the collection bring.”
5-year-old Began Collecting
A reward from the parents sparks the beginning of Isaac’s collection in action figures. He collected not only among the most popular Transformers, but also Thundercats, Ghostbusters and He-Man. Recalling the brand names is not a wake-up call for everyone’s childhood memories is it?
When Isaac was 5 years old, his parents will reward him toys when his studies obtain good results. Since then, he fell in love with the toys, especially Transformers. “I started collecting Transformers ever since and the model has already been amassed close to 200 items. He is cautious when buying not just because of the crazy hype. He will only decides to buy after careful consideration. “
He said that in he will never purchased those item on impulse because it will only cause financial hardship to himselves and not be able to enjoy the fun of the mobile phone model.
“In the first Transformers movie right “after the release, it can be said that the movie reignited my passion for Transformers. At that time, I forked out RM550 to buy an Ultimate Bumblebee model, that can be said to be one of my crazy move.”
Won’t Sell Beloved Stuff
In the Transformers fandom, Symon and Hakim who formed friendship compared to Isaac. They bonded 2 years ago via a Transformers forum where they met among others as Transformers fans who can freely talk about the latest Transformers development.
Isaac said that he unlikely offer his item for sale after being purchased, because those items are being selected carefully only after deciding to make the purchases. “Moreover, these models have their value, will not easily transfer these passion out from my heart.”
After the release of Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) film, which character that you wish to buy next? Isaac highlighted that is going to be Mudflap. “This is because I already have Skids, so I might as well wanted to have Mudflap, because they are the twin brothers.”
He said that collecting Transformers action figures is without borders, there is no such thing as gender-centric, because in the exhibition, there was a fellow member; Chromia from Kedah who collects a full set of Bumblebee’s that earned his respect.
At the same time, he also believes that collecting Transformers do not make one’s collection sounded extreme but in abundance, as long as they can see themselves placing this passion or liking based on their economic capacity allowed under one’s buying power to purchase the item.” I also collect them in both factions, because those models are worth to collect, and also very intricate in design.”
Symon Yong (33)
Started collecting: 2001
Favorites Character: Optimus Prime
Collecting Traits: Select and buying a particular model, and then converted them into a new look via repainting it.
Collection Tally: Close to 100
Isaac Ng (32)
Started collecting: 5-year-old
Favorite Character: Jazz
Next Target: Mudflap
Collecting Traits: Thundercats, Ghostbusters, MASK (Mobile Armored Strike Kormmand), He Man
Collection Tally: Nearly 200
For two consecutive days, Kwong Wah Jit Poh will publish exclusive interviews
Kwang Wah Jit Poh for two consecutive days of collection were published in an exclusive interview with Transformers fans. Do you want to be part of their group? If you are a fan of Transformers, their site can be found via https://transmy.com site, look at the their congregation from all around the “Transformers” fandom for fandom exchange and activities.
Source: Kwong Wah Jit Poh
P/S: BabelFish translated the Chinese version so horrendously hence this English rewrite. All aspects has been taken to retain it’s original message and content.