TransMY was in The Star today (21st June 2007), check the article out More Than Meets The Eye:
CALLING all Transformers fans. Come June 22-24, roll out to Cineleisure Damansara for the first ever Transformers convention in Malaysia – Transformers Robotcon 2007
Organised by Malaysia’s No. 1 Transformers fan club – Transfans Malaysia (Transmy) – in conjunction with the upcoming release of the Transformers live-action movie, the convention will include a special Transformers movie showcase as well as a one-of-a-kind exhibition featuring Transformers toys and collectibles over the ages.
There will also be Transformers movie merchandise and toys on sale during the event, and a special auction of rare Transformers collectibles. For more information, head over to the official TransMY website at www.transmy.com
Thanks to The Star for the official pimpin!