I was waiting anxiously right past midnight Malaysian time when members who had just returned home from the gathering slowly populated the forum despite the fact most of them are in sheer exhaustion.
And talking about spirit and enthusiasm, comments like these were simply mind blowing. And talking about feedbacks from members, comments like these are simply mind blowing;
SentinelPrimus quoted;
” All i have to say is GEGARRRR!!!!! Hahaha! In my point of view the event was awesome!! Over 400 figures in display~~ Big new announcementsss from Monkticon~ Iacon Hub!!!!!!! I enjoyed every minute of our 3rd gathering~~”
Superspot: “Dah la tu abah, Unca Paul dah siap siap tisu daaa…”
Gudjinrai quoted;
“Dunno how to comment bad, so comment good! Can do bestest next year! Terima kasih & tahniah semua (you know, we know who you are) AJK yang telah berpenat lelah menjayakan aktiviti kite kali ini.Jasa mu di kenang.
Alphatrion quoted;
“Super great gathering, as this is my 1st time. Met new cool people with same interests…wow….im in awe…Also thanks to GOC and sponsors for making it happen. In addition thanks for Paul for holding the plastic bags full of raffles and Mike for pickin my name in lucky draw…hehe. im so looking forward for next robotcon and gathering.”
“Till All Are Kawaii One”
As a founder what more can I say? I am very proud and glad that everything went well. Kudos to everyone who make it a big success.