Wideload in Package
New Images have arrived from TFClub, showing off one of the latest Revenge of the Fallen figures, Scout Wideload. A repaint of Scout Roll Bar, Wideload is integrated into the N.E.S.T. Global Alliance tagline, which takes the usual Autobot and Decepticon rivalry into singular proportions, putting every character into a fierce rivalry with another enemy.
Wideload's rival happens to be Scout Sonar.
Wideload thinks about two things: doing his job well, and looking good. So when a DECEPTICON scum like SONAR ruins not only his perfect polish, but also a cargo of sensitive electronics, he swears revenge.
He doesn't know how he's going to take out the sea bound warrior, but he's determined to sink SONAR if it's the last thing he does.
Not sure if this figure is an appealing repaints but it sure to is add 'variety' to the current lineups.