"The role for me was not, necessarily, involving that many stunts, but it was quite a physical role." Stated the Australian actress, who then went on to describe a scene in which her character, Alice, is lifted to a rooftop via a body harness. We reported here of a possible rumor/ spoiler for her character, which "jumping" onto a rooftop may support.
It's now November. The big holiday push is about to happen, and some of the larger movie francises set to have summer releases, will be starting to show their trailers advertising what is to come.
But it seems before we get to trailers even, the movie rumors will just not stop coming. This one comes from an anonymous source. Salt shakers ready?
Isabel Lucas character, 'Alice', is stated by this insider to be a pretender. That's right, she is rumored to be a robot hiding inside a human shell. Supposedly the robot is similar in size and design to frenzy, with a long tongue, a scanning tentacle, and has an arm that transforms into an energy weapon ala Bumblebee. All this according to the TFW 2005 Movie Insider.
Source: Seibertron