Hasbro Brings Back Micronauts
Hasbro is hosting an Investor's day event today. They have been releasing information on their initiatives for 2010 and it is no secret they have got a lot planned for the Transformers property.
We are covering the event now and are posting updates as they are revealed. Learn about the new initiative "Hunt For The Decepticons" and more in our report below:
Hasbro announced a new initiative for 2010 called "Hunt For The Decepticons."
They have also revealed they will be releasing Takara's Micronaughts (Microman) action figures that will be support for a Movie and TV series. Read more at ToyNewsi.com
The only show Hasbro announced for their new network is My Little Pony. So it is unclear what "Hunt For The Decepticons" will be.
Hasbro did say Orci and Kurtzman would be working on something for the new network.
Here's the excerpt from TNI;
"During Hasbro's 2009 Fall Investor Day Event held today at their headquarters in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, they announced the re-introduction of the classic toy line Micronauts originally created by Japan company Takara in 1974 under the name Microman and later launched in the United States in 1976 and backed by a Marvel Comics comic book series in 1979.
As many know, Takara is the same company that originally invented the Transformers line and continues to work with Hasbro today. No specifics were given by Hasbro's Brian Chapman (VP if Hasbro's Global Designs) about what we can expect from the Micronauts brand other than that we can expect Hasbro to revise, reinvent and re-ignite the brand so it is exciting for fans old and new alike. There also was some indication that a television series and/or major motion picture could be in the works for this brand."
Source: Tformers