Jagex has revealed their trailers, two of them previously for their upcoming Transformers Universe MMO based on...
Administratus Prime
While we haven’t got enough of the standard voyager Shockwave, another repaint is surfacing. As tempting as...
Kapow Toys has released an awesome high quality pictorial gallery of the upcoming brand new mold Transformers...
In August, an ebay seller by the name of riflescopeshop has posted an auction showing off the Transformers Dark...
We have had a glance of Dark Steel previously which will be released as a Japanese exclusive...
Comettor, being a very spacey-moonie thematic name is being introduced in Transformers Dark of The Moon to...
Seibertron dot com has made an interesting discovery via it’s member where the member spotted the chart...
Transformers lied to us all! There are more intelligent car that not only had a mind of...
Transformers Prime has fast gaining momentum after the release of the first season. They made excellent fill-in...
Transformers fever is still on especially in China and while many company ads try to officially associate...