The Transformers franchise has had numerous classic cartoons, most notably the original, as well as its sequel, Beast Wars. However, one of the...
Administratus Prime
Fans of the Transformers series, mainly the G1 version of the character, deserve attention on Netflix in...
Remember the bad-ass Barricade in the 2007 Transformers movie? The alternate mode of him – the 2007...
The Autobots have been waging their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons for 35...
This got all fans riled up for a bit as the Transformers’ next big project will combine...
This is pretty ‘amazing’ as some unsettling news from a popular Transformers fan site that the Decepticons,...
Read on as this article unveil the to 20 rarest Transformers figures along with the value, disclosed...
Here’s an interesting behind-the-scenes video of Bumblebee movie, the latest movie in the “Transformers” franchise, makes great...
VIZ Media has released a press release to announce their acquisition of the iconic Transformers brand to...
He did it once, and he did it again, Michael Bay is going to be back as...