A poster over at /toy, the toy related discussion board at 4Chan,...
Year: 2009
At 10,000 articles, the Transformers Wiki (TFwiki.net) has reached an amazing milestone....
MidnightBliss has posted some of the 1st in hand images of Human...
TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen Construction Devastator from Hasbro has...
As we all know, the first two Transformers films left us fans...
If you've got 15 minutes to read West Loh's pitch. You're in...
Hasbro Legends Devastator wraps the Constructicons into a nice, neat package, and...
A couple months ago there was a rumor that a grey prototype...
Film box office receipts in Canada and the U.S. are set to...
Merry Christmas! Its the time of the year again and this time, calling all TransMyians! TransMY (Penang...