Considered the best ‘Constructicon’ ever made, TFC Toys had teased transfans with TFC Exgraver. Today a Chinese...
TransMY was featured in The Star again. However, this is a backdated news about TransMY’s involvement in...
Everything in this article is a spoiler… but for only the first few minutes of Transformers 3....
Transformers has never been closer to the Chinese mainland ever since Revenge of The Fallen and Movie...
In the movies, Transfomers turn from car into robot in a matter of seconds, and they can...
AICN was sent a photo from the Chicago set of the third “Transformers” movie, showing a shot...
Last summer’s “Transformers” sequel may have boasted the subtitle “Revenge of the Fallen,” but it’s the third...
The condition of your Voltron remake has been downgraded from “pointless big-screen adaptation that will be called...
When will we hear about the new line / cartoon coming out after Revenge of the Fallen?...

To be completely honest with you, I kinda hit my viral campaign limit...