Transformers Prime looks promising as the Transformers tradition continues with the latest Cartoon series, Transformers: Prime. This...
In conjunction with SDCC, Hasbro has taken the initiative to show off Optimus Prime this time. As...
Few rumors were flying around that actress Tania Gunadi will voice a character in the upcoming Hasbro...
Transformers: War For Cybertron is good enough to deserve a sequel, but that doesn’t mean the next...
Hasbro, the big toymaker behind the Transformers and G.I. Joe brands, on Thursday denied currently holding any...
More and more toy releases are scheduled to hit the shelves soon. Today marks the first day...
Hasbro has announced the second nominee for the final spot on this year’s TRANSFORMERS HALL OF FAME...
Goldman initiated coverage of toy maker Hasbro with a “conviction buy” rating, saying the stock could go...
Turning hit toys into hit television shows is hardly child’s play, but Stephen Davis has a plan...
Hasbro has answered the questions Seibertron ‘s community recently and this session is the final Q&A before...