Update: Paramount says that no Transformers 2 or GI Joe footage will be shown at the convention. Paramount won’t be doing any panels at Comic Con this year, but according to IESB, Transformers:
Revenge of the Fallen will still have a presence at the convention. Apparently Paramount/Dreamworks has given Hasbro permission to show some early footage during their panel.
It’s been previously reported that Hasbro will also have some goodies from the upcoming G.I. Joe film. And while no footage of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot/prequel is expected, Paramount has confirmed the film will have a presence on the exhibit floor.
I’m guessing they will be offering some kind of swag for giveaway, and who knows, we might even get to see some props from the film (I know nothing, this is just a guess).
Source: Slashfilm