The recruits of the new Transformers attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood opened in spring 2012, the heroic...
Known as DA-02 in the Japanese line, MechTech leader class Sentinel Prime transforms into a stylish Rosenbauer...
Leader class Bumblebee transforms into a Chevrolet Camaro Concept. Known as DA-01 for the Darkside of Moon...
Sentinel Prime surprised fans by making a comeback as a downsized version of his most anticipated leader...
Fireburst Optimus Prime is the immediate redeco of the standard Dark of the Moon Voyager class Optimus...
Skyhammer transforms into a hybrid assault helicopter assumingly between a Eurocopter Tiger and a Mil Mi-24. Being...
Voyager class Optimus Prime (without trailer) comes with an all new mold. He comes with a cool...
Armor Topspin now is painted silver and black and has Kobalt Tools as his primary sponsor, instead...
In contrary to the Takara version, Hasbro decided to give him a new mold instead of a...
A redeco of deluxe Ratchet in now red with white detailing. Seems like a reverse color scheme...