Skyhammer transforms into a hybrid assault helicopter assumingly between a Eurocopter Tiger and a Mil Mi-24. Being...
TF3: Dark Of The Moon
Shockwave returns in Transformers Dark of The Moon as a monstrous Cybertronian tank with his signature colour of all...
Voyager class Optimus Prime (without trailer) comes with an all new mold. He comes with a cool...
Megatron was wounded during the battle with Optimus Prime in Revenge of The Fallen and this time...
This version of Ironhide is a downsized version with a new mold. The cool aspect is this...
Soundwave transforms into a Mercedes SLS AMG.
Que in the toy realm is known as Wheeljack. He transforms into a blue Mercedes Benz E550....
Darksteel which will be released as part of the fifth wave will be heavy retool of MechTech...
Armor Topspin now is painted silver and black and has Kobalt Tools as his primary sponsor, instead...
In contrary to the Takara version, Hasbro decided to give him a new mold instead of a...