Sentinel Prime surprised fans by making a comeback as a downsized version of his most anticipated leader...
Fireburst Optimus Prime is the immediate redeco of the standard Dark of the Moon Voyager class Optimus...
Skyhammer transforms into a hybrid assault helicopter assumingly between a Eurocopter Tiger and a Mil Mi-24. Being...
Shockwave returns in Transformers Dark of The Moon as a monstrous Cybertronian tank with his signature colour of all...
This Takara edition is a retool of it’s Hasbro counterpart where this Japanese version does not come...
Voyager class Optimus Prime (without trailer) comes with an all new mold. He comes with a cool...
Megatron was wounded during the battle with Optimus Prime in Revenge of The Fallen and this time...
This version of Ironhide is a downsized version with a new mold. The cool aspect is this...
Skywarp, just like other typical seekers is a straight redeco of the standard MechTech deluxe Starscream. He...
Soundwave transforms into a Mercedes SLS AMG.